GSAP-JS Animation Library

3 min read

GSAP-JS Animation Library

GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform)

1.Include GSAP library:

馃敆CDN Link

2. Add GSP cdn before the your custom script.js

3.Write JavaScript: (script.js)

Methods used to create animations:

  • moves an element from its current state to a defined end state.

  • gsap.from() moves an element from a defined start state to its current state.

gsap.from('.box', {
    x: 600,
    duration: 3,
    delay: 1,
    stagger: 0.4,
    backgroundColor: 'black',
    color: 'white',
    opacity: 0,
    yoyo: true,
    repeat: 2,    // total 3 times played
    repeat: -1, // means infinite
    onComplete: myFun

4. timeline - Animating Menu and Cross Element

// Animating the menu to slide in from the right'menu', {
    right: '0' 

// Animating each list item in the menu to come in from the right
gsap.from('menu li', {
    x: 100, 
    duration: 0.5, 
    delay: 0.5, 
    opacity: 0, // Start with opacity 0
    stagger: 0.2 // Stagger the animations by 0.2 seconds

// Animating the element with id 'cross' to fade in
gsap.from('#cross', {
    opacity: 0, // Start with opacity 0
    duration: 3, 
    delay: 1 // Delay the animation by 1 second

馃毃 ISSUE With above Code. 鈿狅笍 猡达笍

  • Issue: Managing animations individually leads to complexity.

  • Solution: Introduce GSAP timeline for unified animation control.

  • Benefits: Simplifies coordination, centralizes control, and enhances code organization.

GSAP timeline - To overcome the problem !

// Creating a GSAP timeline
let tl = gsap.timeline();

// Slide in the menu'menu', {
    right: '0' // Slide the menu to right 0px

// Animating each list item in the menu to come in from the right using the timeline
tl.from('menu li', {
    x: 100, // Start position 100px to the right
    duration: 0.5, 
    opacity: 0, // Start with opacity 0
    stagger: 0.2 // Stagger the animations by 0.2 seconds

// Animating the element with id 'cross' to fade in using the timeline
tl.from('#cross', {
    opacity: 0, // Start with opacity 0
    duration: 1, 

// Play the timeline;

// Pause the timeline

// Resume the timeline, triggering animations from the paused state

// Repeat the timeline once (initial run + 1 = 2 times)

// Seek to the specified time (1.5 seconds in this case) in the timeline;

// Reverse the timeline, playing animations backwards

Adding Click Event Listeners for Menu Toggle

// Selecting the elements with ids 'hamburger' and 'cross'
let hambur = document.querySelector("#hamburger");
let cross = document.querySelector('#cross');

// Adding a click event listener to the hamburger icon
hambur.addEventListener('click', function () {
    // Hide the hamburger icon
    // Show the cross icon
    // Play the timeline;

// Adding a click event listener to the cross icon
cross.addEventListener('click', function () {
    // Show the hamburger icon
    // Reverse the timeline, playing animations backwards

5.scrollTrigger Box Animation

gsap.from('.page2 #box', {
    scale: 0,
    duration: 0.6,
    delay: 0,
    rotation: 360,    
    scrollTrigger: {
        trigger: '#page2 #box',
        scroller: 'body',
        start: 'top 80%',
        end: 'top 30%',
        markers: true,
        // scrub: true,
        scrub: 3,

6.Responsive Image Scaling on Scroll'#page2 img', {
    width: "100%",
    duration: 1,
    delay: 1,
    scrollTrigger: {
        trigger: "#page2",
        scroller: "body",
        start: "top 0",
        end: "top -70%",
        markers: true,
        scrub: 2,

Transforming Text on Scroll:'#page3 p', {
    transform: "translate(-214rem, 0)",        
    scrollTrigger: {
        trigger: '#page3',
        scroller: 'body',
        start: 'top 0',
        end: 'top -300%',
        scrub: 1,